Too Much Time Playing Video Games: A Social Story

A social story for children with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism about spending too much time on the computer and video games:

==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management


  1. my son loves these games,is it common for aspies to be obsessed in this area or apply to a lot teenagers,?x

  2. My boy is so obsessed he talks about Super Mario in his sleep!

  3. My son is 10 and has always had obsessions whether it be legos, turtles, video games. Video games and online games seem to be his #1 right now.

  4. I thought I was alone. My son is almost 12 & builds games. He plays Roblox & Minecraft & would play them all day if he could. Then he has to tell you every detail of every bit of his game.

  5. My aspie son is almost 12 and he is the same way....minecraft and the computer are his big obsessions.

  6. My son loves telling me the details of Lego star wars etc. and it can be very very tedious! I watched this social story but i think the computerised voice is very unnatural. It's not all bad though, I've found that my son's expertise in games had earned him kudos in the playground! I use a timer to limit gaming times.

  7. My aspi son is 14 and his obsession use to be mario but for some reason his obsession has turned to the football games and tim tebow. he has to play a game every night before bed with my husband or it throw his whole next day off and causes lack of sleep.

  8. My son also has an obsessions with online games. It is the only time he is content. I was shocked to hear others mention Mincraft and Roblox. He loves those. He just turned twelve. I always feel so guilty because he doesnt have friends he wants to play with and would instead spend his time on these games.
